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Kadishamara Photography NPH35.jpg

Preschool Photographer & Creative based in New Plymouth, Taranaki

Alegroe artwork room view.jpg
 look GOOD 
 do GOOD 
 feel GOOD 

10% of revenue from EVERY SESSION
is donated to a
community fundraiser

That's more than
60% of our profits!!!

By investing in a Photography Session today, you can:

->Build Confidence in your own kids 
-> Do something good for your community


I'm Kadisha

... and I'm here to help you get photos off your "to-do" list and onto your "done" list. We'll have loads of fun along the way & have something beautiful & tangible at the end (yes, digitals AANND prints).

It doesn't have to be overwhelming. I will be with you every step of the way.

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Michelle R, New Plymouth

"We love the family portrait we have hanging in pride of place in our living room. It is classic, quality, relaxed & beautiful.


Kadisha is very passionate about capturing family moments and special relationships & documenting children's stages."

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